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Social Media as a Strategic Marketing Tool

Social media is a very powerful strategic marketing tool. Considering blogging started in 1997 and Facebook is only ten years old, social media marketing is a recent phenomenon compared to traditional forms of marketing.

So why is social media such an influential strategic marketing tool ?

There is no cost for companies to create an account on the vast majority of platforms. Facebook is the largest social media network globally with 1.3 billion monthly active users. It’s free to create an account and share content on Facebook. By strategically boosting a post on Facebook a company can increase the reach of their campaigns very easily and for a small price. The real costs lye in the time spent managing the social media accounts or putting a team in place to manage them.

Measuring Results
Facebook insights, Google Analytics and Hootsuite are three of the most popular tools used by businesses to measure the effectiveness of their online campaigns. A business can see from the live feedback these tools provide how successful or failed a marketing campaign has been.

Social media is a very flexible marketing tool. Promotions can be added, edited or deleted very easily unlike with traditional forms of marketing. Once a printed advert is signed off for it is very costly and difficult to change. Social media allows business’s two way communication with potential customers through interaction on posts, unlike traditional media. Answering customer’s queries is seen as a very important aspect by customers and makes people feel engaged with the brand or business. Unanswered queries or questions often leaves a bad taste in the mouths of customers.

A study by Socialbakers highlights which industries are best at engaging with customers and answering their questions:


aThe options to share different types of content in the one place is also a great advantage to businesses. Another study by Socialbakers shows the type of content which attracts the most engagement is Photos. Surprisingly video made up 2% of engagement compared to 47% – photos.

Pre-qualified Traffic
By Sharing content with people who have already liked your page or followed your account, you are reaching out to people who have indicated an interest in the business already. These are warm leads who are likely to take advantage of promotions offered in a marketing campaign. In this way pre-qualified traffic can be generated to visit the company’s website and generate sales!

Successful Campaign
An example of one very successful social media marketing campaign was the Old Spice Man. In 2010 Old Spice targeted over 187 individuals on Twitter with customized videos. The campaign generated 11 million views and over 22 thousand comments in three days.

Here’s one Addressing Ellen Degeneres:

It is clear that social media is a powerful strategic marketing tool. It is likely this will continue for the foreseeable future as social media continues to grow and as businesses are offered more ways to promote themselves and measure the effectiveness of their campaigns. It’s no coincidence that the biggest brands in the world are spending time and money investing in their online presence.

“Social media is not only more cost-efficient than advertising, but it also offers great opportunities for innovative engagement with your customers” Richard Branson

Digital Utopia

Digital Utopia is an idea that the world as we know it today will continue to make advances in technology to a point where everything around us is digitally linked. As a technology fan I embrace this idea. I believe the possibilities of technology are near endless and a world were technology is ingrained in everything is closer than we think.

To see some examples of this development we don’t need to look much further than the Web Summit which took place in Dublin at the start of November. This event showcased both the power and potential of technology and gives us an idea of what is going on in the technology world today.

Web summit

With over 22 thousand people visiting Dublin for the event it was an opportunity for start-ups, established companies and investors to come together.  I was lucky enough to attend the student summit night and hear from some great speakers including the CEO of Dropbox Drew Houston. Each speaker on the night emphasized how technology is rapidly developing and will change how we live our lives. In essence this is what digital utopia is about.

The Internet of Things (IOT):
A hot topic at the Web Summit was IOT. It is an area of massive growth and ultimately a key player in a world of digital utopia. We are currently on the verge of an internet revolution. The first revolution was the development of the internet and connectivity to computers. Now we face a second revolution where an ever increasing amount of devices will connect to the internet. Ranging from home appliances, cars, security systems, clothes, surfaces, and even places. This is the internet of things. Philip Moynagh is the VP of the Internet of Things Group at Intel and he explains what the Internet of Things in this short video:

Currently we can see the emerging market for smart devices like smart watches, glasses, phones and fridges. But there are thousands of smart products being developed. An article published by Tomsguide recently highlights the Best Smart Home Gadgets of 2014.  This list includes a number of products which at first look very normal. But when you look at the improvements and alterations made by the addition of a computer chip this transforms them from ordinary products to smart products that can effect and aid our lives without users having to command the product to action every single time. Technology will continue to advance to a point where all the devices around us learn what we need and when we need it. This in essence is what digital utopia is all about, devices communicating with eachother to complete tasks for our benefit.


Services & Devices:
The Internet of Things isn’t just about everything connecting to the internet. But the seamless interaction between things, the internet and the user. Imagine a world so smart that many routine chores are completed for you. Companies like Airbnb and Uber are good examples of companies who have offered services through smart use of technology. Soon 3D printers will become common places and many things you need could be printed in your home saving time and money. At the Young Scientist exhibition earlier this year I saw a 3D printer in action. I held a pair of sunglasses that had been created using the printer and it was clear to me that when this technology is developed further and made affordable for consumers it will be an industry changer and a big factor in digital utopia. The following video created by Mashable really emphasizes the potential of 3D printing:

Moore’s Law:
“The number of transistors incorporated in a chip will approximately double every 24 months.” Gordon Moore

It wouldn’t be fair to discuss digital utopia without mentioning Moore’s Law. Gordon Moore one of the founders of Intel and he developed this famous law. The law basically means that processor speeds will double every two years due to more transistors fitting on a chip. I believe this law is important to highlight that it is likely computing speed and power is only going to increase as we move into the future. This will have a big impact on digital utopia and is one of the reasons this utopia is possible.

Embrace Digital Utopia:
There are many advantages to be gained from a digitally connected world. Whilst some people may fear a world like this it is likely to develop over time regardless. As younger generations grow up more will be expected from technology. To my generation smart phones and gadgets have become a companion we didn’t always have. Younger generations will grow up surrounded by technology and they will expect more from new technology products. Coding classes and the use of tablets in primary and secondary education are hot topics at the moment. This is just one of many signs to come of digital utopia.

Enter The Digital Utopia

My Experience In Maynooth University


My experience in Maynooth University has been an extremely positive one. Maynooth University was my first choice on my CAO application and I haven’t looked back since! Living nearby has also been a great advantage as the campus is only a 12 minute drive from my house. The atmosphere in Maynooth town is very friendly and it is a vibrant student town. I’ve made many new friends and met lots of great people since my first day here and I know that I will remain friends with them for a very long time.

Maynooth University South Campus

Business Management Course:

I’m currently in my final year of a degree in Business Management. The course is very broad with modules ranging from economics, accountancy, project management, Social Media and International marketing to name a few. The courses broad range of subjects is a big advantage as it leaves the student with many different career options upon completion of the degree. For me personally it was a good way to keep my options open, because I wasn’t sure when I was choosing a course which area of business I would like to specialise in.

The second reason I really wanted to do this course is the optional work placement in third year which I took advantage of. I did an 11 month work placement in Intel Ireland, in the finance department. It was a great experience to work in a large multinational such as Intel. I gained invaluable experience and improved many skills including time management, organisation skills, computer skills and learned new presentation techniques. I met lots of new people while on work placement and got the chance to get involved in an array of different events and conferences such as The BT Young Scientist and The Intel Capital Roadshow.

By doing the work placement I have transformed my degree from a Bachelor of Business Studies (BBS) to a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA). The experience I gained has proved to be valuable in final year as I can relate the theories and frameworks I’m learning in class a lot better to the practical experience I’ve gained.  I would encourage anybody even thinking about doing a work placement to do one!


During my leaving cert year I applied for the Maynooth University rugby scholarship as I had been playing rugby competitively for six year with my secondary school Castleknock College. The scholarship would entail playing rugby for the University and the club the University is linked with Barnhall RFC. I would train with the team 3 mornings a week in the gym and 3 evening during the week and play a match every Sunday. This intense schedule meant I was very fit and extremely focused which allowed me to be very disinclined with my academic studies as well. Healthy In body healthy in mind is certainly a mantra I firmly believe in.

There were around 20 scholarship players in total, we trained together and battled together on the pitch. This formed a unique bond and through rugby I met many new people in Maynooth Uiniversity. It was a challenging experience in many ways and it was physically tough. But it’s one of the best experiences I’ve ever had and I improved my rugby game ten times over. We even had the opportunity to train in the national boxing arena on the south circular road, those were some of the toughest training sessions I’ve ever done!! But the hard work paid off and we won the Fresher’s Cup beating Carlow I.T. in the final. Not too many people can say they have won an all-Ireland rugby medal!

Rugby Pic
Maynooth University Freshers Scholarship Rugby Team 2012

University Campus:

On campus there are many places to study, socialise and relax. The new library has ample study desks, rooms, and computers. Not to mention a Starbucks! The University also has a gym which is a great place to relieve a bit of stress come exam time. The all-weather pitch is often used for football tournaments. I’m currently playing in the weekly 7-a-side soccer tournament with a number of others from my course. There is a society or club for everybody in Maynooth Univeristy, according to the Maynooth University website there are over 30 clubs and 60 societies on campus. Some of the most popular ones are dance society, rugby club, soccer club, drama society, there’s even a Harry Potter society!!

Maynooth University Atmosphere:

There is atmosphere in Maynooth University that is hard to describe in a couple of words. It is an atmosphere that may not be evident in many other Universities in Ireland. The atmosphere in my experience is a warm, welcoming and friendly one. Like anywhere of course there are different groups and cliques but in Maynooth University you will often see a lot of mixture between different groups and societies. Also in the town all the students are from the same University which makes for a great buzz around the town.


Having reflected on my time as a Maynooth University student I have nothing but positive things to say. It’s an ever growing University and it is shooting up through University rankings. It has been recognised as one of the leading new universities in the world. It has also has growing student numbers through increased demand from international students and first year students. There are very positive changes going on in Maynooth University. A new modern library has been opened and there is a large new building being built on the north campus. Money is being spent on developing the resources to cater for increasing number of students looking to attend the University. These resources will be crucial in the development and growth of Maynooth University

New Library On Campus

Many students I know that have graduated from Maynooth University have been offered exciting graduate programmes and others have gone on to further their education through a masters degree. I am confident that Maynooth University will continue to grow and continue being one of the best Universities in the country. My experience has been a really enjoyable one and I’ll never forget it.

J1 Santa Monica Tips (Topic Of Choice #MN329)

Why Go To Santa Monica On Your J1?

The best part about doing a J1 in Santa Monica in Los Angeles is that you will be submerged into a relaxed and fun American culture. Thousands of students from Ireland travel to the U.S. and California in particular every summer on a J1 Visa. Due to the lack of Irish students who choose Santa Monica as their J1 destination it is an ideal place to find jobs and accommodation fairly easily. It’s on the beach and there is amazing nightlife and buzz in Santa Monica. By living in Santa Monica you have the best of both worlds.. a chilled beach scene in Santa Monica combined with a glamorous Hollywood scene PIER

(Santa Monica Pier)

Three other very popular places to J1 in Cali are Berkley in San Francisco, Isla Vista in Santa Barbara and Pacific beach in San Diego. If you go on a J1 to one of the most popular spots its likely to be tougher to get a job and find accommodation. But I’m sure great experiences are to be had in all of these places. Don’t rule them out I’m just making a comparison between some popular J1 destinations and the Santa Monica area in terms of finding work and a place to live.

How Much Will A J1 Cost:

  • Return Flights, insurance and J1 Visa going through company like USIT will cost approx. 1200euro.
  • From my experience and talking to other J1’ers in LA average rent ranges between 300$-500$ per month per person and that’s sharing with others.. This will be your main cost for the J1 while living there. If you don’t have it oganized before you go I would recommend budgeting $1500 for rent. Rent really varies depending on many how many people you share with and the location of the housing.
  • Apart from rent your other main costs will be food. Try get accommodation with a decent kitchen so you can cook instead of eating fast food 24/7!
  • Transport see below How to get Around. Transport system in LA is very good and relatively cheap.
  • Don’t fall into the trap of Holiday mode at beginning of J1 especially if you haven’t lived away from home ever before. Its so easy to forget you need to plan and budget for long term. Its easier said than done!

Where to Live:

  • Westowood is a student town with UCLA’s beautiful campus on its doorstep. This is where myself and my friends lived, its so easy to get accommodation there because many UCLA students move home for summer and there is a lot of vacant accommodation for rent during summer. Fraternity houses on Gayley Avenue and apartments are plentiful. The bus to Santa Monica takes 15/20 mins and costs 1$. The bus is also 24 hours! Also there is Hollywood and Beverly Hills nearby which has lots to offer in terms of entertainment.
  • There is accommodation in Santa Monica too but is usually more expensive than Westwood. Airbnb is good for finding accommodation.

UCLA Campus is definitely worth seeing, the campus boasts a running track, tennis courts and football pitches. Real Madrid soccer team trained here during summer 2014.


How to get a Job:

It’s a good idea to email popular golf clubs and restaurants about potential temporary work in the summer before you leave for your j1. This way you can create a rapport and suss out job opportunities or even arrange an interview before you fly out. The next step is to have a CV or as the Americans call it Resume prepped and ready to be printed when you arrive in the states. The resume should be no longer than one page and keep it brief. Outline any relevant experience you have and your college results. Myself and my group of friends handed out our CV’s to all the shops and restaurants on 3rd street Promenade Santa Monica and the pier and everyone got a job on the first day or two of looking. Why? Because there were few other J1 students in the area looking for jobs at the beginning of June and the Santa Monica tourist season brings 90,000 tourists to the 3rd Street Promenade on a daily basis during the summer. So all the stores and restaurants require extra staff for the busy summer period. When introducing yourself to a store manager this is your golden opportunity… Be enthusiastic and friendly and chances are they will give you an interview. Luck & charm of the Irish applies !!

How to get around Los Angeles (Cheaply and for free):  400px-Spaghetti-Junction-Crop

  • In the states Uber and Lyft are amazing apps. They are half the price than a yellow cab or hailing a cab! Also when you get a an American sim card over there and register with Uber or Lyft (Or both) as a new user you get your first ride free. If you recommend a friend you get a free ride and so do they. If your smart and give your promo code to all your friends who have just gotten new acconts that’s a lot of free taxi’s!! We saved literally hundreds on taxi fares thanks to this deal during the summer. You can give your promo code to new people you meet over the summer too. When they use your promo code you get a free ride in return!! Hooray for free rides!!
  • Bus is 1$ also the rapid bus is 1$ with your student card , Irish student card is accepted. Rapid bus Is normally 2$ without student card.

J1 LA / Santa Monica Must Do’s: 

  • Walk down Santa Monica Pier… & 3rd Street Promenade Santa Monica..
  • Visit Venice Beach, it’s a short walk/cycle from Santa Monica and well worth a visit. Muscle beach and a famous skate park are located in Venice.
  • The food trucks on Abbot Kinney Street. The first Friday of every month the street is lined with amazing gourmet food trucks.
  • BPN party bus. The bruin party network party bus will take you on a return party bus to a huge Hollwood club with free drinks,entry,table and line skip included for 25$
  • Vist San Diego – its only 2.5 hours by greyhound bus from LA. Well worth seeing!!
  • Visit Las Vegas, 5/6 hour drive from LA. (What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas)
  • Visit Malibu beaches. 20/30 mins drive from Santa Monica up the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway)
  • Hollywood boulevard is worth seeing.. Hollywood stars.. etc
  • Hollywood Sign  hollywood
  • Griffith Observatory
  • Eat a double double in In’N’Out (Only on the West coast!)
  • Rent a car and go on a road trip. (24 hours for a car from Enteprise is approx. 60$, 15$ each between 4 people..)
  • Go to a football game in the Rose Bowl Stadium– Manchester United played LA Galaxy here summer 2014.
  • Go to six Flags theme park!
  • Visit The Grove Shopping Center and eat at The Cheesecake factory
  • Check out the cribs on Rodeo Drive

How to get Visa:

  • My friends and I went with USIT, they seem to be the best and all the companies are in the same price range. Earlier you book cheaper total cost will be. All can be done online too, I never once had to go into the office to do anything which was great!
  • USIT also offer a free stop over flight. Many J1 students avail of this and do a stopover in New York on the journey home for a couple of nights.

Should you do it?

I had my doubts about doing a J1 but It turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life. I met so many new people and visited so many new places it was amazing. If your even thinking about doing one I highly recommend it !!!

LAThe City Of Angels is a great place to do a J1!